God's Plan, Your Part

2 Thessalonians 2 | Who is the Man of Lawlessness?

September 19, 2024 Ryan Zook and Jenny Zook Season 2 Episode 189

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2 Thessalonians 2 discusses the "man of lawlessness," a mysterious figure tied to the end times. Paul addresses confusion in the Thessalonian church, where some believed that Christ had already returned. He reassures them that before Jesus' return, this man of lawlessness will first be revealed, triggering a great rebellion. While some think this figure is the Antichrist, others interpret him as a historical or future leader. Paul's focus is less on the specifics of the end times and more on encouraging believers to stand firm in their faith, regardless of uncertainty or false teachings.

Paul emphasizes that the return of Christ will not happen until the man of lawlessness appears, reminding believers that they have not missed anything. He reassures them not to be swayed by rumors or forged letters claiming otherwise. Even though this passage sparks debate over its end-time implications, Paul's main goal is to correct false beliefs and remind the church that God’s plan is still unfolding, and their salvation remains secure.

Despite the cryptic details about the man of lawlessness, Paul encourages the Thessalonians to focus on their calling. He reminds them of their place in God's kingdom, chosen for salvation through sanctification by the Holy Spirit. This passage invites believers to anchor their hope in Christ and not in speculation or fear regarding the end of the world. Paul's reminder is timely: confusion about the end times should not derail one's faith or mission.

In a broader sense, 2 Thessalonians 2 speaks to the tension many believers experience in waiting for Christ's return. While some may fixate on trying to identify prophetic figures or events, Paul steers them back to practical living—holding firm in the truth and carrying on in good works. Even when it feels like the world is spiraling into chaos, Paul’s words offer peace and hope.

This chapter serves as a reminder to maintain perspective. The ultimate victory belongs to Christ, who will defeat the forces of lawlessness. Until that day, believers are called to live faithfully, not swayed by distractions or fear of missing out on the final act of God’s plan.

#EndTimes #2Thessalonians #ManOfLawlessness #BibleStudy #ChristianFaith #SecondComing #Antichrist #Prophecy #NewTestament #Gospel

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-Ryan and Jenny

 2 Thessalonians 2

2 Thessalonians 2

[00:00:00] Hey everyone. Welcome to God's plan. Your part year two, where this year we're reading through and studying the entire new Testament one chapter at a time. Thanks again for joining us in discovering God's plan and your part in it. Today we are diving into second Thessalonians chapter two. My guess is we'll probably get a lot of clicks on this episode because second, uh, Thessalonians chapter two is about, uh, officially the man of lawlessness.

Yes. And there is great debate about who this is. It like has a lot of, uh, end times connotations. It has a lot of, um, interest and intrigue because a lot of people over a lot of years have tried to figure out. Who this man is and some rapture conversation, Jenny really loves to throw that rapture word in there.

Um, I'll tell you the spoiler right up front. I don't know that we're going to solve this for you. So if you clicked on this and you were like, Oh my word, I can't wait for them to tell me [00:01:00] who the man of lawlessness is. Um, you might. You're going to be disappointed. Yes. Wow. Jenny. I'm just going to be straightforward with it.

Jenny's getting uh, harsher and harsher in her 39 weeks pregnant attitude. I have always not really enjoyed Revelation or like talks of it and this is definitely alluding to a lot of the things that you will experience here, read for yourself in Revelation as well. So I'm just like, eh, I could do without.

Whatever. All right. So as we dive into this chapter, um, there are different takes on this. We are not, um, end times last things scholars. And so if you want to do a deep dive into this chapter, we recommend actually looking into someone else. Uh, but what we will do is give you an overview of 2 Thessalonians 2.

We'll set it in context. We'll talk about some of the ideas around this and we'll go from [00:02:00] there. Hopefully we dig your part out of it. So as we look over 2 Thessalonians 2, Jenny, where do you want to start? I think what sticks out most is that this is actually a concern. Of the church in Thessalonika. So they are concerned that they have missed out and are somehow just still here.

I guess just living life and um, not experiencing eternity with God because they have not made it. So I think there is valid concern there. And I think something really important to remember is that we are on such a, like. Distant piece of history from this actual event. And so there was a genuine like concern for not being a part of what God had promised for those who love him.

And so I think that if I was in this time experiencing what this church is experiencing, I would probably have had the same [00:03:00] concerns, like, oh my word. And I think something that's really crazy is that verse two. I believe two and three, perhaps, kind of allude to the fact that they shouldn't be alarmed if somebody is giving a word in the, within the spirit or a spoken word or a letter, Paul says, a letter seeming to be from us to the effect of the day of the Lord has come.

So they actually have like, Valid concerns because they're hearing this from people that they trust, they're also hearing this from like, supposedly there might have been like a letter that was like forged with Paul's signature that said that this had already happened. So I think there's like definitely room for confusion and I, I want to give them a little bit of the benefit of the doubt because I think a lot of that.

Would confuse me to so Paul is in the business and a lot of these letters of correcting false teaching That is exactly what he's doing here I don't know that [00:04:00] his intent directly is to explain how last things will go or end times will go Although he's going to address those things because that is the particular false teaching that he's confronting here in this letter So the you just laid it out great Jenny like they thought that That Christ had already returned.

They thought that they had missed out on it and it was causing all kinds of tangible problems. Some people just quit working altogether. Some people stopped persevering in the faith because they assumed they missed it. So what was the big deal? I think it'd be like, it would definitely. It would make me lose hope for the future.

And some of their people were super discouraged and had lost hope. And then you throw on top of it that they had some kind of experience with some unexpected deaths that they weren't anticipating. Um, they, they were nervous that those people had missed out or those people would be affected. So he's trying to bring a hope and encouragement, but also correction in this thing that they believe that is not.

Correct. And second Thessalonians two, he's [00:05:00] going to, um, basically directly say, Hey, Christ has not returned. I can confidently tell you Christ has not returned because the man of lawlessness has not arrived, has not been released, and the great rebellion has not been unleashed, which would have been interesting to hear.

Uh, by a group of people who were being actively persecuted for their faith. It must've been strange to hear that the rebellion had not yet occurred. Uh, when many of these people were being persecuted because they were trying to do what was righteous in God's sight, and they were being persecuted by people who were rebelling against God.

So this is a complicated passage. Uh, but what I'm trying to do right here in this, this opening piece is just set the context and the context is to help these people understand that Christ has not yet returned. So I guess that, that really is the first part. Um, he's describing what that person will actually be like, which I kind of had a little bit of hesitation listening to, cause it's like, okay, so wait a [00:06:00] minute, you're fussing like Paul.

And this is just me being super critical. Paul is fussing at this church saying, Hey, don't give any time to those other people that are saying these things don't give people. And I, I, I get that I would be irritated if somebody was writing a letter in my name as well. Um, so that makes sense. However. He does describe to them, throughout the rest of this first section of the chapter, what it will be like.

So it's like, okay, how do you have the credibility to tell them, What it will be like, but all these other people, they're all wrong. So some of what is here in second Thessalonians two, and I'll say directly like the man of lawlessness is supported somewhat by things that have already re been revealed in the book of Daniel.

The book of Daniel is known as the old Testament book of revelation. Uh, Paul being a Pharisee and somebody who studied, um, The Jewish faith very closely would have been aware of Daniel. Um, also Jesus himself, uh, taught about [00:07:00] some of these end times kind of things. Uh, he talked about some of these, um, coming, uh, problems.

I think it's, I think it's Matthew 24. I'm kind of on the spot with that, but I think that is, I think it's part of the, all of it discourse, which is towards the end of Jesus ministry. Uh, it's when he talks about the temple being destroyed. Um, anyway. It's very likely that if Paul was taught directly by Jesus, which is something that we've talked about in the past, uh, that he would have learned those things from Jesus in some kind of vision or something out in the desert in Arabia.

Uh, but, but Paul does seem informed. He does seem to be speaking with a serious conviction on what this is going to be. So just, just moving right into it, unless you want to throw in on this, Jenny. I was just looking at Matthew 24, no one knows the day or the hour, is that what some stuff in Matthew 24, I believe there's some stuff in Mark 13.

Um Foretells the destruction of the temple? Yes. That's all 24, yep. So, I don't know what you were specifically looking for, but that would definitely be a long line. What [00:08:00] I'm trying to do is just give you guys some cross references, if you really want to do a deep dive in this, that's where I would go and look and try to Peace.

Some of these things together. I think Paul very likely was piecing some of these things together. The thing that gets everyone's attention in second Thessalonians two is, um, we'll start in verse three. Let no one deceive you in any way for that day will not come being the return of Christ the day of the Lord, unless the rebellion comes first and the man of lawlessness is revealed the son of destruction who opposes and exalts himself against.

Every so called God or object of worship so that he takes his seat in the temple of God, proclaiming himself to be God. This seems to be a very specific person. I will tell you right now, right up front, there are very many different opinions on who this is. Jenny, as you were reading over it, who did you assume it to be?

Oh brother, I don't even remember. What did I say? Uh, Jenny likes to refer to the Rapture. I would assume, I would assume you, you would connect this with the Antichrist. I [00:09:00] would guess. Historically speaking, there's a couple different takes on this. I will tell you right now that I am not hitching my wagon, uh, a hundred, a hundred percent.

10 percent to any one of those takes, I promise I will not fight you if, if you have a different opinion than me, um, there's just a lot of different views on this one is that it, it could be the, the antichrist that pops into a lot of people's minds. Like the, the, the, the man who will rise up to oppose the Christian believers, um, Like every faith, quite honestly, following, uh, the rapture and being part of the tribulation, all those things, he wants all the glory.

That is one take on this. So this man has not yet occurred. And so we can be confident that the day of the Lord has not yet arrived. And a lot of people would put this, um, kind of at this end times period. That's, that's a lot of different, um, specific events back to back to back across. Seven years, give or take.

Um, another view on this is that this man of lawlessness [00:10:00] actually was, uh, the Roman leader who came into the city of Jerusalem in AD 70 and destroyed the temple, uh, is very widely understood that the Roman emperor, or at least like the, the, the. Leader of the Roman Legion, uh, marched into the temple in AD 70, uh, sacrificed a pig on the altar of God and had the people worship like the, the standards, which would be like the, like poles with images on them, uh, in the temple of God.

So defacing the temple of God, dishonoring God, it would have been a very significantly offensive thing. Um, it's very possible that Paul is spelling out. That event, um, that's a different take. So I'm telling you, I'm not going to fight anyone. Um, it's obvious that Paul's talking clearly about a person who is, um, looking to be against God and against God's people.

It's very clear that Paul is referring to some type of rebellion that is [00:11:00] against God's people, uh, that is coming. It is worth noting that we believe this book was written in 49 or 50. And so if this is that Roman emperor or Roman leader, it's Uh, that destroyed the temple in 8070, like, that would have been a future event for this audience.

So, what I'm trying to do is just represent a couple different perspectives, and not nail myself down to any one of them. And that is why I don't resonate with these passages as much, because I prefer them to be very black white, straight forward. Thank you. It's always interesting to me, um, 100 percent this could be the antichrist in the future.

It very well could be. I'm not going to pretend like I exactly understand it or exactly know it. There are plenty of people out there that you can look up that do claim to exactly know it. It's very interesting to me, um, that, that when, when Paul is explaining that this guy's going to, um, take his seat in the temple of God and proclaim himself to be God, like it.

20, 30 years after he wrote this, that [00:12:00] actually did occur. And we know from history that it really did happen. So that to me is like, Hmm, that's kind of interesting. Uh, and it was part of a rebellion against believers in Jerusalem because the believers in Jerusalem had to flee to the hills. Uh, and that's another thing that Jesus talked about.

So anyway, um, Dig into it. If you want to dig into it, dig into it, uh, look it up. But essentially we can firmly believe that there is a time coming where Jesus will be returning. There is a time coming where there will be a great rebellion. It's really not a surprise to any of us that there will be a significant opposition towards God.

Um, we already live in a time where there is significant opposition towards God. So there's really nothing new here. What's interesting is that Paul is explaining all these things As a form of encouragement, which we aren't usually used to experiencing. Well, in the end, I think the encouragement continues, because he is saying, like, Although all those things may be confusing you, or taking your eyes off of, like, the actual goal and the prize, He does [00:13:00] say in verse 13, um, let's see.

But we ought, I'm just going to read it, but we ought always to give thanks to God for you brothers, beloved by the Lord, because God chose you as the first fruits to be saved through sanctification by the spirit and belief in the truth. Um, so he is saying like, don't get confused and like off track.

Cause God has already chosen you from like the foundations of the world you have been chosen. Um, so like, don't let these silly little things that are getting tossed around right now. Throw you off into confusion. Uh, verse 15, he continues to say, stand firm and hold to the traditions that we, or excuse me, that you were taught by us either by spoken word or by our letter.

So I think he's just kind of coming back around to like, Hey guys. Just hang tight like it's gonna be okay You've been chosen before at the the beginnings of this world All of those things are just trying to take your eyes off the goal And I I think that's a really interesting piece because he [00:14:00] he makes these explicit statements about the Antichrist or this Roman Opposition whatever you believe and then he rounds it out by saying don't be discouraged Stand firm, continue in the faith.

Well, I think what's interesting too, is like Paul includes himself in that too. Exactly. He's like, um, I'm still here too. And I'm the one who like helped to bring you to this understanding. So like, what does that say for me then too? So I think it's helpful that he's even kind of pulling his own self in there.

Like we are called. I think what's really interesting about all that is it is very common in some of these end times kind of conversations. If you've been around Christians for a long time, it's very common to hear these conversations and not feel like you're being called to stand firm more like you're being called to just like release and give up.

But Paul saying, Hey, Stand firm, continue on in the faith, persevere, um, worship God and hold to what he's been telling you. I, I think it's pretty powerful. I think it's really interesting that this is not a [00:15:00] discouraging thing, it's an encouraging thing. Uh, kind of a funny note, I did see somebody quote today, uh, Um, on Instagram, it made me think of this.

They said, somebody, this is as if someone is speaking of them. They say, you're so well behaved. Uh, and the person says, Oh, thanks. I was raised in constant fear of the rapture happening in the next 20 seconds. So it's interesting to like, this is not just a, well, it's going to still happen. They're not terrified.

He's saying no, like stand firm in the faith. Keep with the mission. This isn't meant to be like a scare tactic or anything like pull yourself out of it and keep moving forward with passion. I think it's an excellent point and I think it is worth remembering, uh, that even in light of the end times, we do believe that Christ is returning.

We still continue on in the mission. We still continue serving. We still continue persevering. So just like Paul wrote to these Thessalonian believers, we are speaking to you saying, be encouraged. Uh, we still have work to do, [00:16:00] and I would encourage you to continue in the work, even when things seem bleak or dark, or you might be wondering if Christ is returning soon, or you might be wondering if the rapture will be tomorrow.

I know there's probably plenty of that. Um, Be encouraged, stand firm, continue on in the faith. That's the, your part for today. And be excited for tomorrow, uh, for some, some other adverse effects of being terrified of the rapture, either being missing it or it coming. So, um, join us again tomorrow. We'll be in the final chapter of second Thessalonians.

We'll see you then. Hey guys, if you enjoyed the episode today and are enjoying God's plan, your part, we would love it. If you could help us in two ways. First, if you would Give us a rating and review for our podcast. We would really appreciate that. And second, tell your friends, tell all your people that you rub shoulders with every day, uh, to listen to the podcast and also give us ratings and reviews as well.

That being said, here is the reading for today. Second Thessalonians chapter two. Now [00:17:00] concerning the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and our being gathered together to him We ask you brothers not to be quickly shaken in mind or alarmed Either by a spirit or a spoken word or a letter seeming to be from us To the effect that the day of the Lord has come Let no one deceive you in any way, for that day will not come, unless the rebellion comes first, and the man of lawlessness is revealed, the son of destruction, who opposes and exalts himself against every so called god or object of worship.

So that he takes his seat in the temple of God, proclaiming himself to be God. Do you not remember that when I was still with you, I told you these things? And you know what is restraining him now, so that he may be revealed in his time. For the mystery of lawlessness is already at work. Only he who now restrains it will do so until he is out of the way.

And then the lawless one will be revealed, whom the Lord Jesus will [00:18:00] kill with the breath of his mouth and bring to nothing by the appearance of his coming. The coming of the lawless one is by the activity of Satan with all power and false signs and wonders, and with all wicked deception for those who are perishing, because they refuse to love the truth and so be saved.

Therefore, God sends them a strong delusion. So that they may believe what is false, in order that all may be condemned, who did not believe the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness. But we ought always to give thanks to God for you, brothers, beloved by the Lord, because God chose you as the firstfruits to be saved, through sanctification by the Spirit and belief in the truth.

To this He has called you through our gospel, so that you may obtain the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ. So then, brothers, stand firm and hold to the traditions that you were taught by us, Either by our spoken word or by our letter now, may our Lord Jesus Christ himself and God our father, who loved us and gave us eternal comfort and good hope [00:19:00] through grace.

Comfort your hearts and establish them in every good work and word. Thank you so much for listening to today's episode of God's Plan, your part. Don't forget. You can find us on just about every social media platform and YouTube. Let us know what you thought of today's episode, and if you have any questions, go ahead and post them there.

You can also reach out to us directly at godsplanyourpartatgmail. com. As always, if you don't have a Bible, or if you'd like to use the one that we use, uh, reach out to us via email and we'll be happy to send one to you. Thanks again for listening. We'll see you again tomorrow.

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