God's Plan, Your Part

Romans 12 | How to Show Honor, Even When You Disagree

June 27, 2024 Ryan Zook and Jenny Zook Season 2 Episode 128
Romans 12 | How to Show Honor, Even When You Disagree
God's Plan, Your Part
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God's Plan, Your Part
Romans 12 | How to Show Honor, Even When You Disagree
Jun 27, 2024 Season 2 Episode 128
Ryan Zook and Jenny Zook

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In this episode of God's Plan, Your Part, we're looking at Romans 12. Having spent the first eleven chapters meticulously explaining the core tenets of Christian belief, particularly the concept of salvation through faith in Jesus Christ, the tone abruptly changes in Romans chapter 12. 

This chapter ushers in a new era, transitioning from weighty theological exposition to a practical handbook for Christian living. No longer simply outlining what to believe, Paul dives into the nitty-gritty of how those beliefs should translate into everyday actions.

The conversation delves into a specific verse that resonates deeply with the speakers. Romans 12:10 instructs Christians to “outdo one another in showing honor.” 

This seemingly simple directive sparks a thoughtful exploration of what it truly means to honor others. We acknowledge that honoring someone doesn't equate to feigning ignorance of problems or sweeping disagreements under the rug. Instead, they unpack the concept as a form of deep respect, a commitment to treating one another with dignity even in the face of differing viewpoints. They grapple with the challenge of balancing this respect with the need for honest correction.

The episode doesn't shy away from even more challenging verses. Romans 12:14 presents the radical notion of blessing those who persecute you. We acknowledge the counterintuitive nature of this directive. Our human instincts scream for retaliation in the face of mistreatment. Yet, Paul urges a response that transcends those primal urges. They explore the possibility that showering kindness upon an enemy might disarm them, acting as a form of “burning coals heaped upon their head” – a metaphor sparking lively debate about interpretation.

As the conversation winds down, the speakers return to the core message of Romans 12:21. They emphasize the importance of overcoming evil with good. They acknowledge the constant struggle between these two forces, the temptation to succumb to negativity in the face of adversity. But they find hope and inspiration in Paul's call to actively choose the path of good, to respond to darkness with acts of love and kindness. This episode of God's Plan, Your Part, doesn't provide easy answers. Instead, it delves into the complexities of Christian living, urging listeners to wrestle with challenging concepts and actively seek ways to embody the message of Christ in their daily interactions with the world. 

#BibleStudy #Romans12 #ChristianLiving #OvercomingEvil #Godsplan #Faith #JesusChrist #BiblePodcast #Christianity #ChristianPodcast

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Thanks so much for listening to the show. We'll See you tomorrow.
-Ryan and Jenny

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In this episode of God's Plan, Your Part, we're looking at Romans 12. Having spent the first eleven chapters meticulously explaining the core tenets of Christian belief, particularly the concept of salvation through faith in Jesus Christ, the tone abruptly changes in Romans chapter 12. 

This chapter ushers in a new era, transitioning from weighty theological exposition to a practical handbook for Christian living. No longer simply outlining what to believe, Paul dives into the nitty-gritty of how those beliefs should translate into everyday actions.

The conversation delves into a specific verse that resonates deeply with the speakers. Romans 12:10 instructs Christians to “outdo one another in showing honor.” 

This seemingly simple directive sparks a thoughtful exploration of what it truly means to honor others. We acknowledge that honoring someone doesn't equate to feigning ignorance of problems or sweeping disagreements under the rug. Instead, they unpack the concept as a form of deep respect, a commitment to treating one another with dignity even in the face of differing viewpoints. They grapple with the challenge of balancing this respect with the need for honest correction.

The episode doesn't shy away from even more challenging verses. Romans 12:14 presents the radical notion of blessing those who persecute you. We acknowledge the counterintuitive nature of this directive. Our human instincts scream for retaliation in the face of mistreatment. Yet, Paul urges a response that transcends those primal urges. They explore the possibility that showering kindness upon an enemy might disarm them, acting as a form of “burning coals heaped upon their head” – a metaphor sparking lively debate about interpretation.

As the conversation winds down, the speakers return to the core message of Romans 12:21. They emphasize the importance of overcoming evil with good. They acknowledge the constant struggle between these two forces, the temptation to succumb to negativity in the face of adversity. But they find hope and inspiration in Paul's call to actively choose the path of good, to respond to darkness with acts of love and kindness. This episode of God's Plan, Your Part, doesn't provide easy answers. Instead, it delves into the complexities of Christian living, urging listeners to wrestle with challenging concepts and actively seek ways to embody the message of Christ in their daily interactions with the world. 

#BibleStudy #Romans12 #ChristianLiving #OvercomingEvil #Godsplan #Faith #JesusChrist #BiblePodcast #Christianity #ChristianPodcast

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Contact us at godsplanyourpart@gmail.com
Thanks so much for listening to the show. We'll See you tomorrow.
-Ryan and Jenny

 Romans 12

Romans 12

[00:00:00] Hey everyone, welcome to God's plan. Your part year two, where this year we're reading through and studying the entire new Testament one chapter at a time. Thanks again for joining us in discovering God's plan and your part in it. Today, we are looking at Romans chapter 12. And if you just read it from the top and you think about what we talked about yesterday, it is a little bit confusing, honestly, like it's kind of like, wait, like what happened here?

And it's because there's a very clear. Uh, change in Paul's tone and direction because he's now telling you how you should live. He spent the first part of the book talking about how you should believe, I think, what you should believe, why we, um, why we believe what we believe. And now he's saying, Hey, this is how we live in light of what we believe.

Yeah. I actually remember, uh, memorizing this chapter. As a middle schooler way back in the day, we did Romans 12 and as you're reading through, I was like anticipating each verse and what was going to be said next. And in my mind, I was like, [00:01:00] wait a minute, how did we get to this point? Like, how did we go from all of this talk of election and.

All these different groups of people to now boom telling people how to live their lives So it was kind of weird to cat it felt like a pretty abrupt shift But at the same time now, it's kind of giving application to all of that background That's exactly how I really I really do appreciate that about this chapter.

I think this chapter is very um convicting to me because there are certain things that like stand out in the chapter that like for instance this one section is labeled the marks of a true christian that word true really um that's in the esv that's not uh i know but it just it Just kind of hit me, I suppose, because as there are these descriptors of, like, living out this life, there are certain things that I definitely fall short on 100%.

So, um, although I've heard it a bazillion times, it, it hits home [00:02:00] a little differently. All right. So what, just, just because you're bringing that up, like, what specifically are you pointing out? Um, well, for instance, um, Like the verses, read the verses and then let's talk about it. Um, well, for first verse would be verse 10.

I guess it's like the on the ending of it, but it says love one another with brotherly affection. Outdo one another in showing honor. For me specifically, like showing honor is not always my favorite thing to do, especially if I think somebody is wrong about something. Um, so showing brotherly love doesn't just mean you, I don't know, agree with everything that they do or say, but brotherly love I think of is like.

helping to correct when things are wrong, but not dishonoring a person. Um, I oftentimes will be really excited about the correcting somebody, but like fall along the sides of like, Oh my word, [00:03:00] that is, they're so dumb. So like, I don't know, that just like kind of, that one kind of hit me because as soon as Ryan read it, For the, the reading today, I was just like, Oh, right.

So like, is that, is that part of me, uh, reflected in my, my day to day all the time? No, it's not. So I think some of those things I'm sure are what those two people groups, the Gentiles, the Jews that were really struggling with a lot of these things probably had to face as well. Like if they think one is better than the other, like.

Be honoring to one another as you're like, I don't know, enjoying the same space together. How do you know that you're not be honoring? Uh, when, when I go from corrective in love to corrective with like that little like tinge of, I don't know, almost like [00:04:00] bitterness. Like, ugh. Like, or annoyance. Like, okay, stop doing that.

You're really dumb. Versus stop doing that like how can we work together to like how can we make this better? How can we you know I'm saying like it's it's not necessarily like out of me showing affection towards them It's more like me being irritated. Mm hmm. I think one of you one of your famous lines is like Okay, get out of the way.

And usually I say that to you, not to me, you don't. Um, probably when you say things like that, it's a good sign that you're not in the right spot and you're not being very honest. So I am curious. I mean, just because you're being pointed about this, like, um, what would it look like for you to be honoring of someone instead, because I have found.

One, I resonate with this as well, like this has been a lifelong lesson for me, [00:05:00] and I'm guessing it's probably like something that we don't talk about a lot. So if you know that you're not being honoring, particularly when it comes to correction, and I guess like restoration, even though that feels like a really churchy word for it, uh, how would you be honoring instead?

I guess probably just, I mean, we've talked about this at length, like just showing grace. Like actually giving opportunity for people to do better and not just to like, see them as like, I guess, for lack of a better word, like a failure and never coming out of that, like giving a chance for grace. So I don't know.

And this is like, I just feel like this is all relational pieces for these people that are coming together. That would have been not necessarily in the same camps outside of the fact that they all, Love Jesus. A hundred percent. Paul is trying to unite the original audience. He's trying to get these people from very [00:06:00] different backgrounds and very different cultures to respect each other and honor each other and ultimately pursue Christ together.

And I think one of the key things you resonated with What was that verse? Verse 10. I mean a lot of it, but that was the first one that stuck out. But I think verse 10 is like the culmination of this argument that he's setting up. Probably starting in verse Well, I would actually say 3. Oh. For, for the, for by the grace given to me, I say to everyone among you, not to think of himself more highly than he ought to think, But to think with sober judgment, each according to the measure of faith that God has assigned.

Remember, uh, Paul has spent an extensive amount of time helping people understand we're all sinners. None of us deserve the grace that have been, has been extended to us. None of us have earned the sacrifice of Christ on our behalf, behalf. Um, Jesus gave his life while we were yet sinners. [00:07:00] So Paul's done a lot of work establishing like, you're not nearly as special as you think you are.

And then in verse three of chapter 12, which I think chapter 12 is very powerful, by the way, the whole thing. And we're kind of resonating with that. But he's saying like, hey, stop thinking of yourself higher than you should because it's constantly going to get in the way of the mission. And I know like any time that I've struggled with honoring people and I have like, if you knew me, you'd be like, Oh yeah, that guy definitely has struggled with that in like pretty big and pretty public ways.

Um, I, I would say, um, One of the things that has always gotten in the way is when I allow myself to be like yeah I'm definitely better than that guy. I'm done showing him honor and it's it's always destructive always Well, I think it the reason I mentioned 14 earlier verse 14 is because I feel like it kind of goes even into even more depth of what you were just talking about.

So like you were talking about how Christ has shown us extreme mercy and grace because while [00:08:00] we were still sinners, Christ died for us. Um, and I think it comes into play even more for me when you, when you think of yourself as better than someone else, then you start reading verse 14, honestly, and to the end of the chapter, bless those who persecute you.

My instant thought is never to be like, Oh, let me just help you because you were just so awful to me or you hurt me in this way or you said this to me. Um, bless and do not curse them. Rejoice with those who rejoice. Weep with those who weep. So like, it's just, it's essentially just taking yourself and putting yourself in the back seat always.

And like allowing for, Though, like, if that kind of stuff happens to you, like, make that an opportunity for God to receive glory somehow. One of the cool things that I'm learning to be better at, and this is, I don't know, maybe today's episode is a little bit more transparent than usual, um, honoring does not mean pretending there's not a problem.

And I would say that is something that I [00:09:00] have, like, kicked against for a long time. Like, I'm not about to pretend like this is okay, but then I use that as permission to be a jerk. Hmm. And honoring doesn't mean ignoring the truth or ignoring what has happened. Honoring means Um, actually trying to respect the other person in a lot of, in a lot of situations, respect the other person who has fallen short or missed the mark.

Um, but also recognize that you are still, um, on the same level before God and called to the same mission before God. And so a lot of times when we spend our time trying to beat each other or win over each other, or. Right. The wrongs at the expense of someone else. A lot of times we very quickly lose sight of the mission.

We very quickly lose sight of being part of one body, which Paul also talks about here in Romans 12. And the thing that suffers is actually God's kingdom. And all the while we think we're like building [00:10:00] ourselves. We're actually tearing ourselves apart. down and, um, negatively affecting what God's trying to accomplish in us and through us.

Well, I think also of my own children, like, when do I ever think to myself, like, if my child is in a fight with some other kid, like, you better go and defend yourself. Like, don't let that roll off. Like, when would I ever think that? Right. Because my instant, like, if I see those qualities in my own children, it's like, No, it doesn't matter.

And you have a chance to show somebody like love and care when they don't deserve it. And like, those would be words that would come out of my mouth or like be the example. Like I would tell my, my sons that my older sons, um, so when would I ever tell them like, well, you can tell them they're being dumb and never go over well ever.

Yeah. You wouldn't raise your kids why would we. Okay. To do the same. So I think it's interesting [00:11:00] because I, I, there's definitely a lot of layers and emotions and things that go into our own frustrations, but, um, in this instance, verse 19 is also like oddly, I don't know if it's like encouraging. I don't know.

So like the things that we allow to really like drive us crazy. It also does say in here, like, it's not for you to avenge. Like you're not the one. To take vengeance on someone else, like, if there are wrongs, like, it says in here, uh, heat burning coals on their head, um, give them something if they're hungry, give them something if they're thirsty.

You know what? Do these things, and like, it's, it's up to God. To figure out what goes on for those things that were hurt. So hurtful to you, like be honest, but at the same time, it's not for you to turn around and do something awful. A couple of days ago, I shared a little bit about the boys camp that I used to work at.

And one of the key things at the boys camp that I worked [00:12:00] at, like we were working with a very troubled kids. Um, a lot of times, like they committed several wrongs, several times a day. And one of the verses that I, that I really feel like God put on my heart when I, when I was there, it's from James and it says the wrath of man does not produce the righteousness of God.

And it could be worded a little bit differently. Um, but essentially like. You feel like your anger will produce something right, but but James actually teaches. No, it doesn't. And one of the things that I learned very quickly is that serving somebody who has done something wrong is a lot of times a lot more effective, um, in changing their.

But also just like changing your relationship with them because when you serve somebody well who has missed the mark, they definitely see it. They definitely understand that like this is not what I deserve and it actually moves things forward. And so. I, I, I, it's, I [00:13:00] wasn't planning on spending the whole episode talking about honor.

Um, but honor is really important. It doesn't mean that you ignore what's happened. It doesn't mean you pretend. Um, but it is important that as we deal with issues, particularly among believers, that we are honoring of each other and we keep, um, Christ's kingdom first and foremost in our minds. I think a verse that would kind of close it out, ironically is the last verse of the chapter.

Um, but it can be a really good year apart for today. And I think it applies to like, Many things that we've covered all throughout this entire chapter, but also many things throughout our day to day lives, especially as we're dealing with one another within the body of Christ. So verse 21 says, do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.

Um, the, that tension. In me is often just like, Oh, I couldn't possibly think, but how much do we like save for ourselves that? Like, I'm so glad that I didn't stay there, land there, um, make that decision, but [00:14:00] overcome that evil with good things. Like heap those burning coals on your enemy's head. Um, sorry.

That's just what always comes to mind. Give him something, give him something when he is thirsty. Give him something when he is hungry so that that. In turn, like, allows him to understand, like, hey, you are, you are trying to overcome this evil with good. And hopefully, bottom line, gives, like, glory to God because of the decisions that you've made to not, like, resonate and just, like, marinate in that evil.

So, thanks for joining us today. Keep these verses in mind. We'll see you back again tomorrow for Romans Chapter 13. Thanks for joining today's episode of God's Plan, Your Part. As always, please consider partnering with us as we are a listener supported podcast that we hope to continue to grow with support from listeners just like you.

We've made it super easy to partner with us, and you can support us by following the link in our show notes. Thanks so much. Or our description. You can support us with as little as three dollars a month. [00:15:00] Every little bit of this helps so much, and we're so thankful for your support. With that in mind, here's today's reading.

Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God. What is good and acceptable and perfect. For by the grace given me, I say to everyone among you, not to think of himself more highly than he ought to think, but to think with sober judgment, each according to the measure of faith that God has assigned.

For as in one body we have many members, and the members do not all have the same function, so we, though many, are one body in Christ, and individually members of one another. Having gifts that differ according to the grace given to us, let us use them, if prophecy in proportion to our faith, if service in our serving the one who teaches in his teaching, the one who exhorts in his exhortation, the one who contributes in generosity, the one who leads with [00:16:00] zeal, the one who does acts of mercy with cheerfulness.

Let love be genuine, abhor what is evil. Hold fast to what is good. Love one another with brotherly affection. Outdo one another in showing honor. Do not be slothful in zeal. Be fervent in spirit. Serve the Lord. Rejoice in hope. Be patient in tribulation. Be constant in prayer. Contribute to the needs of the saints and seek to show hospitality.

Bless those who persecute you. Bless, and do not curse them. Rejoice with those who rejoice, weep with those who weep. Live in harmony with one another. Do not be haughty, but associate with the lowly. Never be wise in your own sight. Repay no one evil for evil, but give thought to do what is honorable in the sight of all.

If possible, so far as it depends on you, live peaceably with all. Beloved, never avenge yourselves, but leave it to the wrath [00:17:00] of God. For it is written, Vengeance is mine, I will repay, says the Lord. To the contrary, if your enemy is hungry, feed him. If he is thirsty, give him something to drink. For by doing so you will heap burning coals on his head.

Do not be overcome by evil. But overcome evil with good. Thank you so much for listening to today's episode of God's plan. Your part. Don't forget. You can find us on just about every social media platform and YouTube. Let us know what you thought of today's episode. And if you have any questions, go ahead and post them there.

You can also reach out to us directly at God's plan. Your part at gmail. com as always. If you don't have a Bible, or if you'd like to use the one that we use, uh, reach out to us via email and we'll be happy to send one to you. Thanks again for listening. We'll see you again [00:18:00] tomorrow.

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